请向下化看中文版 Hello my name is Ting Ting. I like to dive with cat ears!

I arrived in Cancun on February 3rd. On February 4th, I officially started my six-week divemaster training course at Manta Divers. Farewell to my fun-diving days and joined the professional recreational diving family.
I passed my OW diving certificate in July 2020. At the time, I was certified in Wisconsin in the United States. The first open water course was in a local lake. The visibility was very poor and the water temperature was very cold. I was so nervous that I kept holding the buoy under water and did not dare to let go. It may be because I was nervous that I couldn't control the buoyancy, so the instructor added 22lb of weights on me. I finally got the certificate but I was doubting my diving ability.

In September, when I came to Cancun with friends for the first time, I contacted the Manta divers. It was the first time I contacted a dive shop to go diving on my own. The employees was very patient to explain their different dive sites and arranged a great dive package for me. The first dive in the sea was at the Musa the Underwater Museum. At that time, the weight that Rachel gave me was 12lb. That time I felt like neutral buoyancy is not so difficult to control. It was also the first time I really felt the beauty of diving and fell in love with it. The kind of tranquility underwater, feeling that every breath underwater is an interaction between myself and nature.
After that, I kept coming to Manta Divers to dive every month. I got the PADI deep diver specialty, PADI cavern diver specialty, the emergency first responder (EFR) and PADI Rescue diver certified here. I felt that the most difficult course for me at the time was the cavern diver. It was really a challenge for me because it’s a totally different level of diving, but sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone can really give you the opportunity to see a totally different world. My favorite diving activity in Mexico is now the cenotes, Every cenote is unique and beautiful in different way.

The instructors here are the most knowledgeable and helpful people you will ever find, they help me with so much so I’m able to see how beautiful the other 71% of the world is that other people can’t see, they open the gate of the diving world for me, made me fall in love with diving, that’s the reason why I chose them to do my divemaster training course.
See you in the ocean!
嘿~ 我是婷婷~我潜水的时候喜欢戴猫耳朵潜水帽哦~ 2月3 号我坐飞机来到坎昆,2月4 号在魔鬼鱼潜水俱乐部正式开始了我长达六个星期的的潜水长培训课程,从此告别兴趣潜水加入了专业休闲潜水的大家庭。
2020 年7月考下了我的OW潜水证,当时是在美国的Wisconsin考证,第一节开放水域课程是在当地的一个湖里,能见度非常差水温也很冷,当时下水的时候整个人都紧张到不行,在水下一直抱着浮具不敢撒手,可能是因为紧张控制不好浮力所以教练给我加了22lb的配重,好不容易拿到了证也在怀疑自己的潜水能力。
九月第一次和朋友来坎昆玩的时候联系了Manta divers 魔鬼鱼潜水俱乐部,当时是第一次联系潜店出海潜水,店员也非常有耐心的给我讲解他们这里不同的潜水项目帮我安排行程。 在海里的第一潜是在Musa 水下博物馆,当时Rachel给我的配重是12lb,第一次感觉中性浮力不是那么难控制,也是第一次真正感受到潜水的魅力,爱上了在水下的那种宁静,感受在水下的每一次呼吸都是自己与大自然的互动。
之后每个月都会来魔鬼鱼潜水俱乐部潜水考证,我在这考了深潜,洞潜, 第一急救员和潜水救生员,我感觉当时对我来说最难的就是洞潜 但是克服了内心的恐惧之后现在我在墨西哥最喜欢的潜水活动就是洞潜,每一个天坑都有他们独特的魅力。 这里的教练人都特别好相处 而且他们还经常教我一些常用的小技巧 让我看到了世界上其他人看不到的那71%有多美,所以我感觉是魔鬼鱼潜水俱乐部帮我打开了潜水世界的大门,让我爱上了潜水,